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Lake Bangweulu

Lake Bangweulu

Lake Bangweulu with water so blue and beaches so white that one could mistake it for the sea, lies in Luapula Province North of Zambia. Bangweulu is one of the world's great wetland systems, comprising Lake Bangweulu, the Bangweulu Swamps and the Bangweulu Flats or floodplain. It is a breathtakingly beautiful place to visit. It was given the name bangweulu because of its appearance which makes it look like the water meets the sky.

The Bangweulu Wetlands & Swamps are a wetland ecosystem next to Lake Bangweulu. The area has been designated as one of the world’s most important wetlands. The wetlands are home to the shoebill stork which is one of the most sought after African birds and massive herds of black lechwe.

Samfya Beach - Lake Bangweulu

The Bangweulu Wetlands & Swamps are so incredibly vast, it is largely left to the multitudes of wildlife that dwell on the rich resources. The Bangweulu is renowned for its vast population of endemic black Lechwe antelope that occur in herds of up to several thousands.

The lake Bangweulu biodiversity system is fed by about 17 principle rivers of which the Chambishi (the source of the Congo River) is the largest, but is drained by only one river, the Luapula. With a long axis of 75 km and a width of up to 40 km, Lake Bangweulu’s permanent open water surface is about 3,000 km², which expands when its swamps and floodplains are in flood during the wet season between November and March. The flooded area reaches 15,000 km².

Lake Bangweulu is Zambia's next biggest holiday spot, the white sandy beaches, the nice warm weather, the activities all call for a wonderful time.

On Bangweulu is an island named Chilubi, patriarchs of the island will tell you that the name Chilubi is derived from a strange upside- down giant tree which had leaves under water and roots upward. The tree was marvelled at as a mystery dolly, Ichilubi in local dialet to mean an island where you can find the ambiguity plant.


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