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Kasanka National Park

Kasanka National Park

Kasanka National Park is located in the south of the Bangweulu wetlands in Serenje district in central province. It is a rich sanctuary of wildlife, birdlife, flora and fauna.

The best time to go is between November and December during the bat migration.

Kasanka Bat Migration

This park is known for the largest bat migration in the world. Between November and December every year 8 to 10 million fruit bats set abode in the Kasanka National Park. The bats come into the “Mushitu” swamp forest of the national park because of the abundance of a variety of wild fruits. Contrary to a popular myth, the bats feed on fruits and not human blood.

Kasanka National Park is a blissfully peaceful and thriving place that sustains a diverse spectrum of flora and fauna, rare species and common ones alike. Due to its size it is easier to spot animals such as the shy swamp dwelling Sitatunga antelope which can be seen at dawn from a quaint tree-top lookout, however, large herds of animals are a rare occurrences around these parts. Other inhabitants of the park include warthogs, elephants, and duikers, which can be seen trotting around the floodplains; splashing water as they move.

Aside from land animals, the park has over 420 species of birds making Kasanka the ideal destination for avid bird watchers. Top on every bird watcher’s must see list should be the rare prehistoric looking Shoebill stork, whose unique appearance will make for an odd, yet lovely addition to any list.

Kasanka’s abundant water resources mean that there are ample opportunities for sport fishing marine giants such as the tiger fish (officially recognized by the International Game Fishing Association as a game fish), bream and barbell. Boats are conveniently available for hire if you are up for some fishing.


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