
+260 211 229087

Nsumbu National Park

Nsumbu National Park

Lying on the southern shores of Lake Tanganyika in the northern Province of Zambia, Nsumbu National Park covers an area of just over 2,000 square kilometres encompassing 100 kilometres of some of the most pristine shores of this vast lake. Its beauty ranges from sandy beaches, vertical cliffs, rocky coves and natural bays to the rugged hills and deep valleys of the interior.

Lilayi Elephant Nursery

The Lufubu River which winds its way through a valley flanked by 300-meter escarpments on either side. The park is dissected from west to east by the sizeable and perennial Lufubu River, which also demarcates the eastern boundary of the park up to the river’s discharge into Lake Tanganyika. Nkamba and Chisala Rivers are ephemeral and smaller than the Lufubu, draining Tondwa Swamp into Nkamba and Sumbu Bays respectively, the former through an attractive valley with abundant wildlife in relations to other parts of the park. Much of the park is covered by itigi forest.

Wildlife to be seen here includes elephant, lion and leopard, Roan, sable, eland, hartebeest just to mention a few.


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